2013-2016 Projects
Work experience
Design, Undertaking and Supervision Permits for Maintenance Projects
License to study, undertake and supervise a maintenance and operation project of a laboratory for
the preservation of antiquities and works of art movable and immovable, for its specialty
mosaic maintenance
License to study, undertake and supervise a maintenance and operation project of a laboratory for
the preservation of antiquities and works of art movable and immovable, for its specialty
stone maintenance
Fixed-term contracts - project, public and private bodies
04/1/12 - 03/01/13:
17/4/13 - 18/11/13:
23/12/13 - 31/12/15:
Fixed-term contract in the specialty "Conservators of Antiquities and
Works of Art "in the work:
"Maintenance of wall mosaic decoration, architectural sculptures and
of mosaic floors of the basilica of Panagia Achiropoietos ".
Maintenance of wall and floor mosaics and stone
architectural elements
9th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, Thessaloniki
Fixed-term contract in the specialty "Conservators of Antiquities and
Works of Art "in the work:
"Formation and promotion of the Holy Shrine of Apollo at Theologos of Rhodes".
Maintenance of floor mosaics, stone architecture
residues, mortars and coatings
ΚΒ΄ Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Rhodes
Fixed-term contract in the specialty "Conservators of Antiquities and
Works of Art "in the work:
«Maintenance - Promotion of the Archaeological Site of Pella and its area -
Phase II ".
Preservation of sculptures, ceramics, stone architectural remains, mortars,
coatings and metal objects
IZI Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Edessa
Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella.
Teaching experience
Teaching previous service of Higher Education :
1/10/12 - 15/2/13:
Laboratory collaborator in the laboratory "Repair, restoration andfurniture maintenance "(3 hours / week), department" Design & TechnologyOf Wood and Furniture ", TEI Larissa, Karditsa branch.
Department of Design and Technology of Wood and Furniture. :
June 2013
June 2013
November 2013
June 2013: "The furniture in the 60's through the Greek cinema". Student: Tsimitra Elpida [AM 1483] (Grade 7).
June 2013: “Rejection or Reuse? Cases of artistic intervention, maintenance and processing of furniture and objects ". Students: Essoglou Christina [AM 1139], Bouriti Maria: [AM 1154] (Grade 10 with Excellent).
November 2013: "The furniture in the 70's through the Greek cinema". Student: Plakia Niki [AM 1459] (Grade 10).
November 2013
November 2013
November 2013
November 2013: “Wood Carved Stairs. Historical report, study of construction techniques and conservation status. Suggestions for maintenance interventions ". Student: Hatzi Efrosini [AM 1415] (Grade 10 with Excellence).
November 2013: "Office maintenance of the beginning of the century by the Folklore Museum Karditsa ". Τριανταφύλλου Κωνσταντίνος [ΑΜ 1435] (Grade 10).
November 2013: "Buffet maintenance and restoration". Student: Manos Vassilios [ID 1435] (Grade 9).
May 2015
May 2015: "Study and design of preserved - unmaintained museum warehouses objects and maintenance laboratory ". Student: Yulia Mitshenko (supervisors: I. Dintakis and D. Tsipotas) (Grade 10 with Praise).
Didactic service of Post-Secondary Education. :
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014:
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014:
February 2014 - Jun. 2014:
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Guardian of Museums and Archaeological Sites",
EOPPEP Public I.E.K. Triandrias, in the course: "General Principles of Preventive Maintenance, Theory"
(2 hours / week).
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician",
I.I.E.K. PASTER, Thessaloniki, in the courses:
"General Principles of Ceramic Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students),
"General principles of Ceramic Preservation, Laboratory"
(6 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Laboratory"
(6 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Conservation of Organic Materials, Theory"
(2 hours / week, 6 students),
"General principles of Conservation of Organic Materials, Laboratory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students).
February 2014 - Jun. 2014: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician",
I.I.E.K. PASTER, Thessaloniki, in the courses:
"General Principles of Mosaic Maintenance, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Mosaic Maintenance, Laboratory"
(6 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Stone Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students),
"General principles of Stone Preservation, Laboratory"
(6 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Glass Preservation, Theory"
(2 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Glass Preservation, Laboratory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students).
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014:
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014:
February 2014 - Jun. 2014:
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Guardian of Museums and Archaeological Sites",
EOPPEP Public I.E.K. Triandrias, in the course: "General Principles of Preventive Maintenance, Theory"
(2 hours / week).
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician",
I.I.E.K. PASTER, Thessaloniki, in the courses:
"General Principles of Ceramic Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students),
"General principles of Ceramic Preservation, Laboratory"
(6 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Laboratory"
(6 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Conservation of Organic Materials, Theory"
(2 hours / week, 6 students),
"General principles of Conservation of Organic Materials, Laboratory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students).
February 2014 - Jun. 2014: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician",
I.I.E.K. PASTER, Thessaloniki, in the courses:
"General Principles of Mosaic Maintenance, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Mosaic Maintenance, Laboratory"
(6 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Stone Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students),
"General principles of Stone Preservation, Laboratory"
(6 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Glass Preservation, Theory"
(2 hours / week, 6 students),
"General Principles of Glass Preservation, Laboratory"
(3 hours / week, 6 students).
Oct. 2014 - Feb. 2015:
Oct. 2014 - Feb. 2015:
February 2015 - Jun. 2015:
Oct. 2014 - Feb. 2015: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician",
EOPPEP, Public I.E.K. Thermis, in the lessons:
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 16 students)
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Laboratory"
(4 hours / week, 16 students).
Oct. 2014 - Feb. 2015: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician"
I.I.E.K. PASTER, Thessaloniki, in the courses:
"General Principles of Ceramic Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 7 students)
"General Principles of Metal Conservation, Theory" 3 hours / week, 7 students)
"General Principles of Conservation of Organic Materials, Theory"
(1 hour / week, 7 students)
"Practical application in the specialty, Laboratory"
(3 hours / week, 14 students).
Feb. 2015 - Jun. 2015: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician",
EOPPEP, Public I.E.K. Thermis, in the lesson:
"General Principles of Mosaic Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 15 students)
"General Principles of Mosaic Maintenance, Laboratory"
(4 hours / week, 15 students)
"General Principles of Stone Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 15 students)
Feb. 2015 - Jun. 2015:
Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2016:
Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2016:
Feb. 2015 - Jun. 2015: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician"
I.I.E.K. PASTER, Thessaloniki, in the courses:
"General Principles of Mosaic Maintenance, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 7 students)
"General Principles of Stone Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 7 students)
"General Principles of Glass Preservation, Theory"
(1 hour / week, 7 students)
"Environmental Parameters, Theory"
(2 hours / week, 14 students)
Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2016: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician",
EOPPEP, Public I.E.K. Giannitsa, in the courses:
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 10 students)
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Laboratory"
(4 hours / week, 10 students)
"General principles of Conservation of Organic Materials, Laboratory"
(2 hours / week, 10 students)..
Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2016: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician"
I.I.E.K. PASTER, Thessaloniki, in the courses:
"General Principles of Ceramic Conservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 12 students)
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 12 students).
Mar. 2016 - Jun. 2016:
Mar. 2016 - Jun. 2016:
Mar. 2016 - Jun. 2016: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician",
EOPPEP, Public I.E.K. Giannitsa, in the courses:
"General Principles of Mosaic Maintenance, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 10 students)
"General Principles of Mosaic Maintenance, Laboratory"
(4 hours / week, 10 students)
"General Principles of Glass Preservation, Laboratory"
(2 hours / week, 10 students)
Mar. 2016 - Jun. 2016: Hourly paid teacher in the department
"Art Conservation Technician"
I.I.E.K. PASTER, Thessaloniki, in the courses:
"Environmental parameters" (2 hours / week, 6 students)
"General Principles of Metal Preservation, Theory"
(3 hours / week, 5 students)
Lifelong Learning Teaching Service (KEK - KDBM II)
Mar. 2015 - Mar. 2016:
Nov. 2016 - Dec. 2016:
Mar. 2015 - Mar. 2016: Hourly paid teacher in the cycle of lifelong learning seminars and
training of KEK - KDVM II PASTER, Thessaloniki, entitled:
"Monuments, Museum objects and Cultural heritage works.
Theories and Techniques of management and conservation ".
Subjects taught:
"Building materials of architectural forms" (8/36 hours)
"Portable icons - Hagiographies" (8/36 hours)
"Metals" (8/36 hours)
"Paper - Book" (8/36 hours)
"Mural" (6/36 hours)
"Mosaic" (6/36 hours)
"Wood - Wood Sculpture" (16/36 hours)
"Glass" (14/36 hours).
Nov. 2016 - Dec. 2016: Hourly paid teacher in the series of seminars for lifelong learning . Center for Education and Culture", Ieras
Diocese of Thessaloniki, entitled:
"Management and preservation of cultural heritage projects. New
Theories, Methods and Techniques ".
Subjects taught:
"Portable icons from Byzantium until today. Collections and
their emergence "(8/36 hours)
Participation in research programs - research laboratories
Participation in submitting a research project proposal to the Public Benefit Foundation
Ioannis S. Latsis:
"Revival of ancient Greek furniture. Representation of original research
models of Cycladic to Minoan period »
Proposal Code: 14607074-d20f-46e8-b93f-ddaa4d0860c0
Institution: ATEI of Larissa
[Team Members]
1. Dimitrios Tsipotas [Team Coordinator]
Conservator of Antiquities and Works of Art, Dr.
TEI of Larissa
Epimenidou 10A, Greece
CV: CV.pdf (146551 bytes)
Tasks and responsibilities: Tasks in all three stages of the research project
2. Michalis Skarvelis
Wood Technologist
TEI of Larissa
Athens, Greece
CV: CV.pdf (787871 bytes)
Tasks and responsibilities: Tasks in the 2nd and 3rd stage of the research project.
2014: Submission of a research program proposal to the National Bank:
"The virtual 3D museum of Greek furniture (3D furnimus)"
Your proposal was submitted on 08/10/2014 14:22 with the Code '40204356'.
Topic: Culture and Technology
Organization: Politistica - HeritageTraining, Dimitrios Tsipotas
2015: Submission of research project proposal to Enter - Grow - Go program
"The Virtual 3D Museum of Greek Furniture (GRe3D_furnimus)"
Your proposal was submitted on 08/10/2014 14:22 with the Code '40204356'.
Topic: Culture and Technology
Organization: Politistica - HeritageTraining, Dimitrios Tsipotas
2016: Submission of a research project proposal to The Hellenic Initiative, THI Grant
«Virtual 3D Greek Furniture Project. Bringing history back to life with 3D & virtual
technology. »
Team name: Virtual 3D Greek Furniture Project
Team Leader: Dimitris Tsipotas, PhD
International conferences with a system of judges (17)
May 2013
October 2013
April 2013
"Maintenance - restoration of furniture, wooden crafts and constructions. The
laboratory activities ".
D. Tsipotas. Conference on: "Warehouses of Karditsomagoula". 1st meeting for
establishment of a model center "Culture and Education". 23 May 2013,
Department of Design and Technology of Wood and Furniture,
Καρδίτσα (http://www.wfdt.teilar.gr/dbData/News/Tsipotas.pdf).
"Immediate determination of organic acids in wines aged in oak
barrels using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) "(poster
Kakavas K., D. Birpilis and D. Tsipotas. Minutes of the 16th Panhellenic Forestry
Conference & Annual Meeting of Prosilva Europe, October 6-9, 2013, Thessaloniki
“Complete, interdisciplinary analytical study on waterlogged wood samples
from the Neolithic lake settlement at Dispilio, Kastoria. Preliminary results and
discussion ”.
D. Tsipotas. Blasco Aquire C., Karapanagiotis I. Manoudis P. and M. Skarvelis. “2nd
International Conference on Biodeterioration of Wood and Wood Products ”(BWWP)
April 24-27, 2013, Tartu, Estonia. (http://www.bwwp2013.eu/userfiles/files/Second-announcement-
bwwp2013 (1) .pdf) (accepted paper).
May 2013
“The Neolithic lake settlement at Dispilio, Kastoria. Exploring the possibilities
for the in situ preservation of the waterlogged wooden piles”.
G. Chourmouziadis, Dasakli N., Blasco Acquire C. and D. Tsipotas. “The 12th ICOMCC
WOAM (Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference”. May 13-17, 2013, Istanbul,
Turkey (http://woam2013.com /scientific-programme-2/).
May 2013
June 2013
“Non-destructive innovative method of wood species recognition with
RADP- PCR technology, based on differences in genomic DNA”.
K. Kakavas, A. Doulis, D. Tsipotas. “The 12th ICOM-CC WOAM (Wet Organic Archaeological
Materials Conference”. May 13-17, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. (http://
woam2013.com /scientific-programme-2/)
“The specific health and safety disciplines and practices in a furniture conservation
laboratory of an academic institution. The example of the laboratory of
“Wood and Furniture Conservation and Restoration”, Department of Wood and
Furniture Design and Technology, T.E.I. of Larisa, Karditsa branch, Greece”.
D. Tsipotas. Colloque on “Conservation-Restoration and Health/ Security of
people and the environment”. Laboratoire de conservation, restauration et
recherches de Draguignan (LC2R), 17-21 June 2013, Draugignan France. (http://artconservation.
fr/ first-paper-proposal/).
June 2013
Sweep Source Optical Coherence Tomography (SS-OCT) for the examination of
dry and waterlogged "heritage" wood.
D. Tsipotas, Alexandros Diamantoudis. Training on application of Optical Coherence
Tomography (OCT) to structural analysis. CHARISMA meeting: Cultural Heritage
Advanced Research Infrastructures: Synergy for a Multidisciplinary Approach to
Conservation/Restoration. 25-28 June 2013, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń,
Poland (http://www.fizyka.umk.pl/~oct4art/CHAR_2013/abstracts/Tsipotas_SSOCT_
October 2013
March 2014
“Managing and communicating a conservation scheme of gilded
polychrome wood-carved work of art, utilizing open source software
applications. The case study of the sanctuary gates from an orthodox “templon”
in northern Greece” (poster presentation)
D. Tsipotas, Hatzi E. “Heritage Wood: Research & Conservation in the 21st century”.
Joint interim conference of three ICOM – CC working groups: Wood, furniture, & lacquer
- Scientific research - Sculpture, polychromy, & architectural decoration. National
Museum in Warsaw, Poland, 28 - 30 October, 2013 (http://icom.mnw.art.pl/index.php/
“3D digital representation of ancient Greek furniture, using surviving
archaeological themes and artifacts. A review”. D. Tsipotas. 1st CAA Conference
(Computer Applications and Quantitative methods in Archaeology), 6 – 8 March 2014,
Rethymno, Crete (http://www.caa-gr.org/2014/?q=home)
May 2015
"The teaching of the management of wooden objects of cultural heritage
in the Department of Wood and Furniture Technology of TEI of Thessaly,
Karditsa branch "(poster presentation)
M. Skarvelis, G. Mantanis, S. Adamopoulos, I. Dintakis, D. Tsipotas. Conference "H.
cultural heritage conservation: challenges and redefinitions ".
Directorate of Preservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Religions and the Department of Preservation of Antiquities and Works
Of Art of the TEI of Athens. 25-29 May 2015, Athens
December 2015
September 2015
"Maintenance and aesthetic restoration of professional furniture
with a mirror ”(poster presentation). Tsipotas D., Kalamartzi A., Cards
M., Giovanoglou N .. Annual Conference (2015) of Conservation of Antiquities and Works
Of Art of the Ministry of Culture, Panhellenic Association of Conservation of Antiquities
(PESA). Amphitheater of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Athens, December 12
“An assessment of research on 3d digital representation of ancient Greek
furniture, using surviving archaeological artifacts”
D. Tsipotas, V. Spathopoulou. “Digital Heritage 2015 International Conference”,
September - 2 October 2015, Granada, Spain
(http://digitalheritage2015.sched.org/) (in press)
July 2015
“The Church of St. Athanasios in Chorouda, Holy Metropolis of Lagada,
Lete and Rentini prefecture, Thessaloniki. Preliminary report on the
application of the conservation procedures on the wooden constructions and
wall paintings”. D. Tsipotas, Kalamartzi K., Kanteraki M., Karta M.. 2nd
International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts.
Halki (Istanbul), July 8-9,
2016. (http://imcdea20165.webnode.gr/) (accepted paper)
July 2015
May 2016
“Managing and communicating a conservation scheme of gilded
polychrome wood-carved work of art, utilizing “open source software
applications”: The case study of the sanctuary gates from an Οrthodox wood –
screen in Northern Greece”. D. Tsipotas. 2nd International Meeting for Conservation
& Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts. Halki (Istanbul), July
8-9, 2016. (http://imcdea20165.webnode.gr/) (accepted poster)
“Interdisciplinary assessment of an unknown substance, found inside the wood
cells of the waterlogged piles from the foundation substructure of the Byzantine
sea fortification of Thessaloniki”
D. Tsipotas, D. Lampakis. 41st International Symposium on Archaeometry, ISA 2016,
15 - 21 May 2016, Kalamata, Greece (http://isa2016.uop.gr/programme.html) (in
May 2016
“Sweep Source Optical Coherence Tomography (SS-OCT) for the examination
of dry and waterlogged “heritage” wood. Preliminary results”. D. Tsipotas,
Diamantoudis A.. 13th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials
Conference (WOAM). 16-21 May 2016. Florence, Italy
(http://www.woam2016.net/scietific- programme/) (in press)
May 2016
June 2016
“Interdisciplinary assessment of the waterlogged wooden piles from the
foundation substructure of the sea fortification of Thessaloniki. Preliminary
results and discussion”. D. Tsipotas, Chatzioannidis A., Diamantoudis A., Mantanis
G., Karapanagiotis I., Manoudis P., Skarvelis M.. 13th ICOM-CC Wet Organic
Archaeological Materials Conference (WOAM). 16-21 May 2016. Florence, Italy
(http://www.woam2016.net/scietific-programme/) (in press)
“Nanomaterials for the protection and conservation of heritage wood - an
overview”. D. Tsipotas, Kalamartzi K., Karta M.. 5th International Conference
from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N),
June 26-
30, 2016 Porto Heli, Argolid-Peloponnese, Greece
(http://www.uta.edu/ic4n/program.php) (accepted paper)
Research project, publications, studies (21 papers)
Chapters in collective volumes (2)
2015 a
2015 b
2015a: "The sanctuary of Erethimius Apollo at the Theologian of Rhodes: Study and works
maintenance of building waste ". D. Tsipotas, at
«IRRITATION. Formation and promotion of the sanctuary of Erethimius Apollo
to Theologos of Rhodes ", edited by P. Triantaphyllidis. Ministry of Culture and
Of Sports, General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage,
Ephorate of Antiquities of Dodecanese, Rhodes 2015
"The maintenance of movable finds and special constructions". Chr.
Serpezoudi, I. Kehagia, An. Tsimpouktsaki, D. Tsipotas, T. Liali, D. Kilikidou, at
"Preservation - promotion of the archaeological site of Pella and its area (2002 -
2015) », edited by Dr. M. Lilimbaki - Akamati, Prof. I. Akamatis. Ministry of Culture
and Sports, Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella, Scientific Project Committee,
Thessaloniki 2015
International conferences with a system of judges.
October 2013
October 2014
Septeber 2015
“Interdisciplinary study of the state conservation and conservation procedures
of the Early Christian Basilica in the Sanctuary of Apollo Erethimios in Theologos,
Rhodes ”.
D. Tsipotas, Triantafyllidis P., Dasakli N. "6th International Congress" Science
and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean
Basin ". Athens, Greece, 22 - 25 October, 2013
(http://www.athenscongress.com/documenti/ fourth25.pdf).
“Fighting “agrosti”, the mosaic exterminator, in situ. An
interdisciplinary analysis on the conservation and presentation of the Early
Christian mosaic at the Apollo Erethimios sanctuary in Rhodes” (poster
presentation). D. Tsipotas, Dasakli N., Triantafyllidis P. “12th conference of the
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, ICCM”, 27 -
31 October 2014, Sardinia (http://www.iccm.ac.cy/index.php?link=sardinia.php)
(in press)
“An Assessment of Educational, Cultural and
Academic Utilization of 3D Digital Representations
Ancient Greek Furniture, from Surviving Archaeological Themes and Works
Art ”. Tsipotas D., Spathopoulou V. (2015). National Conference
Of Cultural Heritage EUROMED2015, 24 - 26 September
2015,Volos (in press) (http://euromed2015.eu/el/book-of-abstracts.php)
February 2013
November 2013
December 2014
"Study of conservation status and proposals for maintenance interventions
of floor mosaics of the early Christian Baptistery in the sanctuary
of Erethimios Apollo to Theologos of Rhodes ", D. Tsipotas, Michos E .. and
R. Heimonidou. KVPSEPKA Rhodes, TSM Dodecanese.
"Formation and promotion of a sacred Erethimios Apollo to the Theologian
Rhodes ".
Sarantopoulos K., Tsipotas D., Sarantidis K. and P. Triantaphyllidis. The
archeological work in the Aegean islands. International scientific conference. Ministry
Of Culture and Sports, Archaeological Institute of Aegean Studies, Region
South Aegean, November 27 - December 1, 2013, Rhodes
"Pella Market, 2nd Stoa, space 9, Fountain building. Macroscopic study
conservation status and proposals for maintenance interventions
components ". D. Tsipotas. Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella.
Excavation director: Professor I.M. Akamatis.
May 2014
July 2014
August 2015
"The teaching of the preservation of antiquities and works of art and the
development of the profession ".
Tsipotas D .. Conference on: "Preservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Faces
of the past - Views on the future ". May 31, 2014, Technical Department
Conservation of Works of Art ", IIEK PASTER, Thessaloniki.
"An interdisciplinary study of the state of conservation and methodology
preservation of the early Christian mosaic in its sanctuary
Apollo Eretimiou in Rhodes ".
Tsipotas D. 1st Conference on the preservation & study of ecclesiastical relics.
Ecumenical Patriarchate, Holy Theological School of Halki and
Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands, Maintenance direction
Of cultural heritage. July 12, 2014, Halki Theological School,
"Pella Market. Public Archive. Macroscopic study of the situation
maintenance and proposals for structural maintenance interventions ". D. Tsipotas. Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella. Excavation Manager:
Professor I.M.Akamatis.
August 2015
April 2016
September 2016
«Pella Market, 2nd Stoa, space 9-10, JULY 27, 2015, trench. Study
conservation status and proposals for maintenance interventions. Department
of a marble statue ". D. Tsipotas. Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella.
Excavation director: Professor I.M.Akamatis.
"Archaeological site of the area of Ieros Eukleia. Macroscopic study
conservation status. Suggestions for interventions
maintenance of components ". D. Tsipotas. University
excavation of AUTh, Sanctuary of Eukleia, Vergina. Excavation director: Professor Chr.
"Archaeological site of the Holy Mother of God. Macroscopic
conservation status study. Suggestions for interventions
maintenance of components ". D. Tsipotas. University
excavation AUTh, Holy Mother of the Gods, Vergina. Excavation Director:
Professor St. Drougou.
May 2013
May 2014
March 2015-2016
Conference on: "Warehouses of Karditsomagoula". 1st meeting for the establishment
a model "Culture and Education" center. May 23
2013, Karditsa. Co-organization: Department of Design and Wood Technology and
Furniture, TEI of Thessaly, Karditsa City Museum, and Municipality
Karditsa (http://www.wfdt.teilar.gr/news_detail.php?Id=624)
Conference on: "Preservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Aspects of
of the past - Views on the future ". May 31, 2014, Department
"Art Conservation Technician", IIEK PASTER, Thessaloniki.
Organization, administrative and educational operation of an annual lifetime cycle
adult learning and training at KEK. PASTER - KDVM II, Thessaloniki.
Title of seminars "Monuments, Museum objects and Cultural heritage projects. Theories
and Management and Conservation Techniques »
9 thematic units of 36 hours each
"Building materials of architectural forms", "Portable images -
Hagiographies ",
"Metals", "Paper - Book", "Mural", "Mosaic", "Wood -
Wood Carving »,
May 2014: Conference.
April 2016-June 2016
Apr. 16 - Jun. 16: Organization, administrative and educational function
annual cycle of lifelong learning and adult education in the department
"Management of Ecclesiastical Relics" of the Supreme Ecclesiastical
Academy of Thessaloniki and the
"Center for Education and Culture - KDVM II" of the Holy Diocese
Seminar title
"Management and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Projects. New
Theories, Methods and Techniques »
18 thematic units of 36 hours each

04/1/12 - 03/01/13:
Conservator of wall-paintings, mosaics and stone in the Early Christian Basilica of Virgin Mary Acheiropiitos, Thessaloniki. 9th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, Thessaloniki, Greece
“The Neolithic lake settlement at Dispilio, Kastoria. Exploring the possibilities for the in situ preservation of the waterlogged wooden piles”.
G. Chourmouziadis, Dasakli N., Blasco Acquire C. and D. Tsipotas. “The 12th ICOM-CC WOAM (Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference”. May 13-17, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. (http://woam2013.com /scientific-programme-2/)
“Technical study for the floor mosaics’ conservation of the Early Christian Basilica in Theologos, Rhodes Island, Greece” (in Greek). R. Chimonidou, E. Michou and D. Tsipotas, Submitted to the 22th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Rhodes Island, Greece. Approved in May 2013 by the Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Athens, Greece.
“Complete, interdisciplinary analytical study on waterlogged wood samples from the wooden substructure of the Byzantine sea fortification of Thessaloniki. Preliminary results and discussion”.
D. Tsipotas, Chatzioannidis A., Skarvelis M., Manoudis P. and I. Karapanagiotis. “2nd International Conference on Biodeterioration of Wood and Wood Products” (BWWP) April 24-27, 2013, Tartu, Estonia. (http://www.bwwp2013.eu/userfiles/files/Second-announcement-bwwp2013(1).pdf)
“Conservation - restoration of furniture and wooden artifacts and constructions. Workshop activities” (in Greek).
D. Tsipotas. “Apothikes Karditsomagoulas. 1st meeting on the foundation of a state of the art ‘Cultural and Educational’ centre”. May 23 2013, Karditsa, Greece. (http://www.wfdt.teilar.gr/dbData/News/Tsipotas.pdf)
“Technical study of wood-boring insects’ infestation on wooden construction parts (floors, roof) of an Ottoman listed mansion (end of 19th c.) in Palia Xrisa, Xanthi, Greece. Infestation control and conservation plan” (in Greek). D. Tsipotas, M. Skarvelis. “Wood Technology Laboratory”. Department of Wood and Furniture Design and Technology, T.E.I. of Larisa, Karditsa branch. Submitted in 10/05/2013 in the Education and Research Committee of the T.E.I. of Larisa
Meeting: “Apothikes Karditsomagoulas. 1st meeting on the foundation of a state of the art ‘Cultural and Educational’ centre”. 23 May 2013, Karditsa, Greece. Municipality of Karditsa, Karditsa City Museum and Faculty of “Wood technology and Furniture Design”, TEI Larisas, Karditsa (http://www.wfdt.teilar.gr/news_detail.php?Id=624)
”Disposal or reuse? Cases studies of artistic intervention, restoration and transformation of furniture and other objects” , (in Greek)
Students; Christina Essoglou, Maria Mpouriti. Supervisor: D. Tsipotas. Grade; 10/10 with honor.
15/12/99 - 20/9/13:
”Greek furniture from the sixties, through Greek cinema” , (in Greek)
Student; Elpida Tsimitra. Supervisor: D. Tsipotas. Grade; 7/10
Founder of the Wholesale Foodservices small sized private company “SYN. Tsipotas Dimitris”, Ermou 71, Almiros, Magnisia, Greece (1 - 4 non-tenured employees)
Non tenured teaching staff in “Conservation and restoration of furniture and wooden constructions”. Theory - workshop. Wood and Furniture Design and Technology Faculty, Karditsa branch, T.E.I. of Thessaly (6-9h/week, 10 - 25 students)
“Direct determination of organic acids in wines aged in oak barrels, using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)” (poster presentation), (in Greek). Kakavas K., D. Birpilis and D. Tsipotas. Proceedings of the 16th Panhellenic Forestry Conference & Annual Meeting of Prosilva Europe, 6 - 9 October 2013, Thessaloniki
“Interdisciplinary study of the preservation state and proposals for conservation methodology of the Early Christian Basilica in the Sanctuary of Apollo Erethimios in Theologos, Rhodes”.
D. Tsipotas, Triantafyllidis P., Dasakli N. “6th International Congress "Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin". Athens, Greece, 22 - 25 October, 2013 (http://www.athenscongress.com/documenti/ fourth25.pdf)
“Managing and communicating a conservation scheme of gilded polychrome wood-carved work of art, utilizing open source software applications. The case study of the sanctuary gates from an orthodox “templon” in northern Greece”.
D. Tsipotas, Hatzi E. “Heritage Wood: Research & Conservation in the 21st century”. Joint interim conference of three ICOM – CC working groups: Wood, furniture, & lacquer - Scientific research - Sculpture, polychromy, & architectural decoration. National Museum in Warsaw,
14/3/2014- 6/6/2014:
“3D digital representation of ancient Greek furniture, using surviving archaeological themes and artifacts. A review”.
D. Tsipotas. 1st CAA Conference (Computer Applications and Quantitative methods in Archaeology), 6 – 8 March 2014, Rethymno, Crete (http://www.caa-gr.org/2014/?q=home)
Seminar: «Introduction to preventive conservation and Museology». State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki
Meeting “Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Past views, future perspectives” 31 May 2014, Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art TEI of Athens. 25-29 May 2015, Athens
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
"Conservation of antiquities and works of art training and the evolution of the profession", (in Greek). Tsipotas D. Meeting on "Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Aspects of the past - Views for the future". May 31, 2014. Faculty of Art Conservation Technicians, PASTER Vocational Institute, Thessaloniki.
”An interdisciplinary study of the preservation state and conservation methodology of the early Christian mosaic in the sanctuary of Apollo Erethimios in Theologos Rhodes”, (in Greek).
Tsipotas D. 1st meeting for the conservation & study of ecclesiastical relics. Ecumenical Patriarchate, Holy Theological School of Halki and Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Ionian Islands, Heritage Conservation Faculty, July 12, 2014, Theological School of Halki, Istanbul
Meeting «Visible and non-visible monument reinforcements”. Research and Promotion Organization of Monuments’ Scientific Restoration (ETEPAM), Thessaloniki Aristotle University, Greece
“Fighting “agrosti”, the mosaic exterminator, in situ. An interdisciplinary analysis on the conservation and presentation of the Early Christian mosaic at the Apollo Erethimios sanctuary in Rhodes”.
D. Tsipotas, Dasakli N., Triantafyllidis P. “12th conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, ICCM”, 27 - 31 October 2014, Sardinia
”Pella Agora, Nymphaeum. Constructions’ macroscopic preservation state and conservation procedures technical study”, (in Greek). Tsipotas D. Pella Archaeological Ephorate. Excavation director: I.M. Akamatis, Prof. of Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Συντήρηση εικόνων Ιερού Ναού Αγίου Αθανασίου Χωρούδας.
Fighting “agrosti”, the mosaic exterminator, in situ. An added interdisciplinary costanalysis on the conservation and presentation of the Early Christian mosaic at the Apollo Erethimios sanctuary in Rhodes, Greece.
The teaching of the management of wooden objects of cultural heritage in the department "Wood and Furniture Technology" of TEI. Thessaly, Karditsa branch.
March 2015 - 2016:
Teaching staff at “PASTER center of Lifelong learning programs”, Thessaloniki, entitled;
”Artifacts, Monuments and Cultural Heritage. Theories and techniques of their preservation and presentation”.
Modules taught:
Architectural building materials (42/70 hours), Portable icons (42/70 hours), Metals (42/70 hours), Paper - Books (42/70 hours), Frescoes (40/70 hours), Mosaics (40/70 hours), Wood (50/70 hours), Glass (48/70 hours)
2015β : “The preservation of the artifacts and the monumental constructions”, (in Greek). Serpezoudi Chr., I. Kechagia, An. Tsimpouktsaki, D. Tsipotas, Th. Liali and D. Kilikidou, in "Conservation and presentation of the Pella archaeological site and surroundings (2002 - 2015)". Eds. Dr. M. Lilimpaki - Akamati, Professor. I. Akamatis. Ministry of Culture and Sports, Pella Archaeological Ephorate, Pella Scientific Committee, Thessaloniki 2015
2015α : “The sanctuary of Apollo Erethimios in Theologos Rhodes; research and conservation procedures of the building remains”, (in Greek). D. Tsipotas, in “ERETHIMIA. Management and presentation of the sanctuary of Apollo Erethimios in Theologos Rhodes”. Eds. P.. Triantaphyllides. Ministry of Culture and Sports, General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Antiquities, Dodecanese Archaeological Ephorate, Rhodes 2015
Meeting “Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Past views, future perspectives” 31 May 2014, Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art TEI of Athens. 25-29 May 2015, Athens
"Research and design of the storage rooms for the artifacts of a folklore museum’s conservation laboratory", (in Greek)
Student: Julia Mitsenko. Supervisors: I. Ntintakis and D. Tsipotas. Grade; 10/10 with honor.
“Teaching management of wooden cultural heritage objects at the Wood and Furniture Design and Technology Faculty of Karditsa, ΤΕΙ of Thessaly” (poster presentation)
Μ. Skarvelis, G. Mantanis, S. Adamopoulos, J. Ntintakis, D. Tsipotas. "The preservation of cultural heritage: challenges and redefinitions” conference. Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Contemporary Monuments of the Ministry of Culture and Education and the Faculty of
”Pella Agora, Gallery Β, rooms 9-10, trench, 27 July 2015. Part of Marble Statue. Preservation state and conservation procedures technical study”, (in Greek). Tsipotas D. Pella Archaeological Ephorate. Excavation director: I.M. Akamatis, Prof. of Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
”Pella Agora, State Archive Building. Macroscopic preservation state and conservation procedures technical study”, (in Greek). Tsipotas D. Pella Archaeological Ephorate. Excavation director: I.M. Akamatis, Prof. of Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
“An Assessment of the Educational, Cultural and Academic Development of three-dimensional digital representations of Ancient Greek Furniture from Archaeological Surviving Themes and Artwork”.
D. Tsipotas, V. Spathopoulou (2015). EUROMED2015, 24 - 26 September 2015, Volos, Greece (in press) (http://euromed2015.eu/el/book-of-abstracts.php)
“An assessment of research on 3d digital representation of ancient Greek furniture, using surviving archaeological artifacts”
D. Tsipotas, V. Spathopoulou. “Digital Heritage 2015 International Conference”, 28 September - 2 October 2015, Granada, Spain (in press) (http://digitalheritage2015.sched.org/)
Meeting «Visible and non-visible monument reinforcements”. Research and Promotion Organization of Monuments’ Scientific Restoration (ETEPAM), Thessaloniki Aristotle University, Greece
”Conservation and aesthetic restoration of a professional piece of furniture with a mirror” (poster presentation), (in Greek). Tsipotas D., A. Kalamartzi, M. Karta and N. Giovanoglou. Annual Meeting of the Conservators of Antiquities and Works of Art, of the Greek Ministry of Culture, Hellenic Association of Conservators of Antiquities (P.E.S.A.). Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports Amphitheatre, Athens, December 12, 2015
May 2013
March 2017
March 2015 - 2016
May 2013: Conference on: "Warehouses of Karditsomagoula". 1st meeting for the establishment
a model "Culture and Education" center. May 23
2013, Karditsa. Co-organization: Department of Design and Wood Technology and
Furniture, TEI of Thessaly, Karditsa City Museum, and Municipality
Karditsa (http://www.wfdt.teilar.gr/news_detail.php?Id=624).
May 2014: Conference on: "Preservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Aspects of
of the past - Views on the future ". May 31, 2014, Department
"Art Conservation Technician", IIEK PASTER, Thessaloniki.
March 2015 - 16: Organization, administrative and educational operation of an annual life cycle
adult learning and training at KEK. PASTER - KDVM II, Thessaloniki.
Title of seminars "Monuments, Museum objects and Cultural heritage projects. Theories
and Management and Conservation Techniques »
9 thematic units of 36 hours each
"Building materials of architectural forms", "Portable images -
Hagiographies ",
"Metals", "Paper - Book", "Mural", "Mosaic", "Wood -
Wood Carving »,
April 2016 - June 2016
Apr. 16 - Jun. 16: Organization, administrative and educational function
annual cycle of lifelong learning and adult education in the department
"Management of Ecclesiastical Relics" of the Supreme Ecclesiastical
Academy of Thessaloniki and the
"Center for Education and Culture - KDVM II" of the Holy Diocese
Seminar title
"Management and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Projects. New
Theories, Methods and Techniques »
18 thematic units of 36 hours each

Folklore Historical Museum of Larissa. Contract for the short-term concession of museum material.
UNIVERSITY EXCAVATION AUTH HOLY MOTHER OF THE GODS - REGISTER, VERGINA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF THE HOLY MOTHER OF THE GODS: : \ Macroscopic study of conservation status Proposals for maintenance interventions of structural elements.
Technical proposal for the necessity of construction of appropriate showcases and placement of portable icons of the collection of the cultural association Agios Athanasios Choroudas, located in the Holy Temple of Agios Georgios Vertiskos
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