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Conservation & Restoration Studies

The preparation and approval of a study is a critical and administrative prerequisite for the implementation of maintenance works. This procedural step ensures the legitimacy of the process, helps in the proper planning of the measures and can lead to significant savings. In addition, the approved study is a prerequisite for project funding.


The main purpose of conservation and restoration studies is to ensure the preservation of the original form, structure and material of antiquities and works of art. The studies usually begin with the collection of information about the history, construction and condition of the objects. This is followed by physical and chemical examinations, non-destructive analyses, analytical diagnostic methods and digital documentation. The analysis of the current condition of antiquities and works of art is crucial. This includes assessing physical deterioration, identifying problems such as cracks, moisture and corrosion, and evaluating the degree of damage.


Based on the data from the condition analysis, recommendations for maintenance and rehabilitation are made. They include technical measures, the sequence of the work and the costs. At the same time, restoration work includes the reconstruction, replacement and maintenance of damaged or fragile parts of the objects. Conservation is an ongoing process that aims to preserve the condition of antiquities using conservation methods and materials.


Studies and conservation and restoration work usually require considerable financial resources and often rely on government funding programmes or grants from private institutions. The protection and promotion of cultural heritage includes education, awareness-raising and the encouragement of visits to museums and archaeological sites. In summary, conservation and restoration projects are a crucial part of preserving and protecting cultural heritage to ensure that these important ancient and cultural assets are preserved for future generations.

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